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Showing posts from March, 2014

Feast of the Annunciation: God is serious about our salvation!

The Feast of the Annunciation. More properly the "Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord."  This is a real and tangible event. Not some vague feeling or thought or word. Not some story that could have no real impact but an actual historical event. In other words, God did something for us to show that he meant business, that he would provide a real means for our reconciliation and salvation that we may once again be untied with Him. He gave us freedom, He gave us laws and commandments, He gave us covenant after covenant. It wasn't enough to salvage the wreck we had made. Finally, He gave us Himself and today we celebrate that particular moment in time when He became human in flesh and blood; that real moment in history when God became man. Think about that. That He would come down and become like us that we may go up and become like Him. Praise you God for giving us your Son and thank you Mother Mary for you unconditional Yes The angel Gabriel was sent from God to

Getting Healthy isn't Complicated so Quit Making it that Way.

I feel very sorry for people who get hung up on fad exercise and diets. I watch you flail and fail and try again with the next fad. Never getting where you want to be. Never getting to know what it feels like to be healthy. Never understanding what fitness is and how it changes every aspect of your life. You never get there because the fads get in your way.  If you really want to get healthy I'll tell you how. It is plain. It's simple. I can't write an entire book or books about it and I can't dedicate an entire website to it. There just isn't that much to say about it. Remember, this is coming from a guy who was 50 lbs over weight and growing, smoked 2 packs a day, guzzled Coke like you can't even imagine and ate pizza more days a week than not.  Here is it, don't blink because you'll miss it. Move more, eat less and eat better .  That's all. OK, fine a little explanation. Just to prove it really is that simple because I know you think there