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Finishing Off Big Abortion

Planned Parenthood is on the ropes again. We've had them here before and allowed them to duck, weave and bob their way around until the round was over. It's time to take the knockout punch. We have had politicians say they are going to take that big right hand cross before but they always end up just covering up at the first flailing Planned Parenthood does.

We have a bunch of republicans once again boasting that they will throw the knockout punch by making sure Planned Parenthood's tax payer funding dries up. This article is the latest example and I have a couple of things to say about it.

"The Kentucky Republican and presidential candidate released multiple statements Friday promising to use “all legislative vehicles” to “defeat and defund Planned Parenthood” next week."

First, the article indicates that Senator Rand Paul will make amendments defending Planned Parenthood to important senate bills that need to be passed. I say, go for it. Any and all means should be used to stop Planned Parenthood. He will be portrayed as not caring about the people the bills affect. He will be portrayed as a trouble maker and a pot stirrer. Both for holding up senate business and for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood. I have advocated defunding Planned Parenthood for as long as I can remember. I've heard a lot of reasons why we must continue to send them money. I don't care what you think, they kill babies, period. THEY KILL BABIES. Let that sink in.... I mean, really, Planned Parenthood kills babies. That's what they do.

Second, if you as a lawmaker in any political party are instrumental in stopping the murder or 3,000 babies every single day, you have my vote, now and forever. It is honestly the only issue worth talking about. As long as we kill innocent people for any reason what-so-ever, there is nothing else that can help us and there sure the hell isn't anything that will hurt us more.

3rd if you as a lawmaker talk big and then crumble under the pressure Big Abortion WILL bring to bear, you have my scorn, now and forever. Don't crumble, these are defenseless innocents being murdered and they need your help.

Senator Rand, I will be watching and rooting for you to stand tall, brush off the flailing of your opponent and throw that big right cross and if you  do I will be on my feet cheering for you as the referee calls the 10 count.


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