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Showing posts from February, 2010

A Christian's view of death

Being concerned with the pro-life movement as I am and following news related to it I have heard some disturbing propositions posed by some critics of the pro-life stance. Actually two disturb me most. The first is that the pro-life mentality does not respect a woman's rights. That is so wrong, but I am not going to deal with that now, maybe later if I feel like it. But just to clarify, while the pro-life movement gets most of it's press with regards to abortion, it's much more than that. We value all life form conception to natural death so that includes among other things standing firm against euthanasia, assisted suicide, and any other way the culture of death would seek to invade our society. However even more disturbing than the "woman's rights" lie is the supposition that Christian's are afraid of or somehow find death distasteful. Nothing could be further than the truth. While we must acknowledge that there are different stages of maturity for a