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The argument for atheism

During my college career, I learned among other things, that if I took it upon myself to teach the subject I was studying, I would reach a deeper level of understanding of that subject. The teaching could involve other real people or just other people in my head. It really didn't matter, I just needed to approach it from the angle of the expert.

For those of you that know me, you know to some degree or another that I have had a "conversion" back to Catholicism. Born a Catholic, the "conversion" back was necessary because I lacked a fundamental understanding of the religion.

In order to grow in my knowledge of the faith I have taken to explaining and defending Christianity and Catholicism. To some degree this has been just in my head and to some degree in various public outlets.

Today, I was looking for arguments supporting atheism in order that I might rebut them. My only experience with atheism to date is the argument "you can't prove God exists, therefore he doesn't." Which I find amusing for many different reasons but will not list them here. In my quest for intellectual arguments ruling out the reality of God i visited the The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science Official facebook page. I mean, he is the renowned atheist of our times right. I must say I was looking for some good arguments to chew on to help me bolster my own arguments for the existence of God. However, I was woefully disappointed.

I found two things on this site. The first was The "you can't prove God exists argument." These intellectual atheist kill me. They wrap this argument up in "academic" language and believe that makes it valid and believable. I guess unfortunately, it does for some people and they loose their souls to it. They would have you believe that the randomness they believe in is more believable than a "magic man" in the clouds. I'm sorry, but I don't get it.

The second thing I found, I also expected, was attacks on the faithful. I learned something else in college. In my logic course I learned that if you have to attack me personally your argument is invalid. You would think that if you were going to try to convince someone that you are intellectually superior, you would at least read up on the academic rules for arguments.

I got nothing out of the experience because I do not find the argument "You can't prove God exists, therefore he doesn't exist" a persuasive argument for atheism. Additionally, I do not find "If you believe in God, you're stupid" to be a persuasive argument.

In the end, I find it far harder to believe that this thing we call existence is all just random than i do believing that it is a willful creation by a being that is far beyond our comprehension. The fact that this being is the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and that he sent his only begotten Son for the salvation of mankind is beyond the scope of this particular post. However, that it is what I firmly believe.

Just a note. Least their be any thought that I am proud of myself for my conversion back to God and my desire to know Him more and more, I know that my conversion and desire for Him are gifts of Grace from Him. I am thankful for these gifts and pray that I do not squander them.


nm said…
One of my favorite programs is"the Journey Home" on EWTN. your blogs should be seen by the moderator, Marcus Grodi

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